Thursday, 30 September 2010

Alfred Hitchcock film techniques

In order to gain ideas for my thriller filmclip i had to research thriller directors and their techniques. I chose to focus on Alfred Hitchcock as he is the mast of success and created many great thrillers.Hitchcocks films set the benchmark for all thriller films which have and are to be created. Hitchcock used many different techniques to make the audience suffer throughout the whole film as they never knew what was going to happen next. Hitchcocks film usually revolve around a mystery and someones problems they come accross whilst trying to solve it.
Hitchcock uses film techniques such as:
  • Maguffin
  • Red Herring
  • Enigma
A "maguffin" (Sometimes McGuffin or Maguffin) is a plot device that motivates the characters and advances the story but has little other relevence to the story.

An "enigma" refers to a puzzle,something mysterious, riddle or problem. The characters need to find out and solve this before it can be resolved and then the film finishes.

"Red Herring" refers to the device which diverts the attention from the audience, it seems important but is not really relevant.

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