Monday 31 January 2011

Applying Moby gratis to the thriller video

In todays lesson we added music clips from Moby Gratis to our thriller. First of all we chose a clip which had a light drumming sound, at first it sounded quite dramatic, but when watching the footage with the music we realised it did not create the right effect that we wanted. Therefore we applied for a creepier track which will send chills down the audiences spine.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Creaking Door

Sound Effects from the internet

I will use sound effects in my thriller video to heighten the sound. This is because most sounds will not be picked up by the microphones it will also make it sound more effective.
I will use youtube and mobygratis to look for good examples.
i am looking for ;
a creaking door
a scream
a thud

Thursday 20 January 2011

Garage Band

We will use the software Garage band to create a short piece of music to accompany our ident. We have chosen a particular instrument that we feel will suit our company name, we composed the piece ourself.

Format of the Titles

Below is the format of the titles that will appear before our thriller film. We have added each of these so that people will know who has contributed in each area to the film.

Fantasizing production 
Written by... Tyra Huggins, Sam Conway and Harley Mason and Sid Taylor
Starring...Sid Taylor and Harley Mason, with the voice over of Sam Conway 
Made by... Harley Mason, Sid Taylor, Sam Conway and Tyra Huggins

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Ident For production company.

This ident has been created using livetype. This will be shown at the start of the thriller and will set the scene.
We have not yet added music to the ident, but we will do so using garage band

Stage Directions ( may change)

  1. Production name 
  2. Black out
  3. Sense 1 - taste
  4. Black out 
  5. Written by
  6. Black out 
  7. Sense 1 - smell
  8. Starring
  9. Black out 
  10. Sense 3 - see 
  11. Made by 
  12. Black out 
  13. Sense 4 - touch 
  14. Black out 
  15. Sense 5 - hear 
  16. Fuzzy screen 
  17. Normal view 
  18. How it all started...
  19. Title 
This may be subject to change but so far is the outline of our Thriller.

Planning my Thriller- Desired setting we found

Car park- this is where stalking is done

Dirty sink in the bathroom we are filming in

Empty toilet cubicle

It turns out after researching into filming in this location we were unable to film there as the school caretaker deemed it an unsafe place as there were chemicals and machinery there. Therefore we will have to research into a safe location.

Garage band- Music to accompany ident

To create our music which will be accompanying our ident we will be using a software which is called "garage band". This software allows us to create our own music using instruments of our choice. We created a scary music clip using (          ). This will be played alongside our company ident. I think it matches the background and text and sets the atmosphere for our thriller which is creepy and scary.

Name of Production Company

We have created a production company which hopefully other people will recognize in the future. This makes the company look proffessional. Our production companies name will be "Fantasizing" productions, this will be create don Livetype a computer software which enables you to create movies/moving images. The production company name will be placed before the thriller.

Monday 17 January 2011


My group has used photoshop to add effects on the images we will use in the thriller to add to mis en scene.

This is the image we have altered on photoshop. We have added the circle effect s it looks like the couple are being spied upon. I am very happy with the outcome of this image, i think it looks very realistic. This will be used when we do the sight scene, it will appear on the wall and sid will pick it up and it will catch fire (this will relate to the touch scene).

List of Characters

Sid- Playing: Sid
Sid is the protagonist in the thriller. He has been taken hostage as he has had a love affair with Sam's girlfriend Harley. Sid is a confused and scared character as he has awoken in a strange place.

Sam- Playing:Sam
Sam is the antagonist in the thriller. He is a psycho who has taken Sid hostage for having an affair with his girlfriend. Sam will be dressed in black.

Harley- Playing:Harley ( The girlfriend)
Harley is not featured in the film a lot. She was Sam's girlfriend but has had a love affair with Sid.

All of these characters have given consent to be in the thriller.

Planning- Mood board

This is a series of images that is relevant to my thriller. They all relate to a scene or emotion felt in the film.

Thursday 13 January 2011

12/01/2011 Health and Safety Assessment

Today we established the setting for our thriller video and carried out a health and safety risk assessment. We took our teacher down to the room where we will be filming and she agreed that it would be a good and safe place to film. We then asked Mr. Taylor the deputy head of Robert Clack to see if we would be able to film in that location and he agreed.
We then went to film a bit of the thriller, so we told our teacher Miss Thompson where we would be during the lesson, we signed the camera,tripod and film out so that we would be liable if they were broken or got stolen. We carried the equipment to the location carefully and in the correct manner ro ensure we would not drop them . We then asked Sid (a  member of our group) if he felt comfortable being filmed and he was happy being filmed.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Film Language

Mis en scene in my thriller
Settings and props
The setting needs to be a dark place so that the audience is scared as well as the character, also a bedroom where the cheating couple are carrying out there love affair.
Props the props need to be relevant to the storyline, in the dark room they need to be dirty and old.
Costume hair and make-up
The costume of the prisoner needs to be tatty and broken as he has been treated badly, the prisoner needs to look pale.
The girl needs to be in red so we get the sense of romance and promiscuity.
The voice/boyfriend needs to be in black so he looks scary and evil.
Facial Expressions and body language
The facial expression and body language needs to be relevant to the situation the character is in to make it realistic
Positioning of characters and Props
The characters and props need to be central and in focus if they are important in the scene so that the audience know they are important
Lighting and Colour
Lighting and colour needs to be relevnat to the scene. If it is an old scene it will need to be in black and white. I will use back lighting when the "bad character" is in the scene, this will create silhouettes and make the character seem more scary. Alot of the film will be in dark lighting

Treatment sheet

These are outlines of ideas that we will use in our thriller:
- 5 senses
-touch- set things on fire
- sight- can't see, bloody eyes, eyes cut out
- smell- suffocate
-hear- ear cut off
- taste - burger turn to maggots, throwing up, tongue cut off
- someone is possessed by voice
-someone is taken hostage

What sort of props will we need?
-5 actors and 5 rooms
-fake ear
-fake tongue

Conventions of the genre

Art of the title

I visited the website The Art of The Title, to help inspire me in creating an effective title sequence for my thriller. This website shows amazing title sequences for different genres of films. I will use this website and the title sequences to help inspire me when creating my opening title sequence that will set the mood perfectly.

Planning my Thriller Video

After a long time of deciphering what our story line should be for our thriller video, we decided we would create a film about the 5 senses; touch taste smell see hear. The story is about a boy who has been cheated on by his girlfriend and he is punishing the boy who stole his girlfriend with the 5 senses, as he has been suing them with his girlfriend. The film will be very creepy and graphic what people have asked for in our audience research.

Monday 10 January 2011

Planning my thriller video

Me and my group got together to plan how we was going to act out different scenes within the thriller video. Above are a few images that we took to create the suffocating scene which is related to the smell sense. To create the "poisonous gas" we blended together blue and green powder paint and the blew it i the air with a hair dryer. I think created a realistic effect.

This is our testing in how to create bloody eyes for "sight" . To create this we painted Sids face with red poster paint. I think it looks quite realistic we also put blood on his hands.

Music Copyright rules

The music we will be using in our thriller will have to be non copyright as we do not want to break any copyright rules and which will cause our production company to face legal action. Copyright are a series of rules which causes the object to be owned by a certain person or company and therefore they have the rights and it cannot be copied by anyone else. Most music we hear is copyrighted as people spend time and money creating and and do not want others profiting of their work. Therefore i will be using music that is not copyrighted. The image below is the copyright logo.

Good example of a graphic match- A Space Odyssey

Strike / Stachka - Sergei Eisenstein - 1925

Editing techniques

I will use many different editing techniques in my thriller video. Editing techniques make a film seem more interesting and proffesional.
Speed of editing
Speed of editing makes the audience realise the mood of the film. If the editing is fast and changes very quickly we realise that it is a tense film or very action packed. If the editing is slow then it makes the audience feel relaxed or very calm.
Soviet Montage
Soviet montage is a type of editing whicn allows the audience to piece together two bits of information and draw an ouctome from it. An example of this is when you you put a picture of a person then after you show a burger, this makes you think the person is hungary.

A great example of soviet montage is in the film strike. In the scene below soviet montage is used to show that the people the guards are chasing are being murdered brutally like animals. I will use soviet monatge to recreate a graphic scene;
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Graphic Match
Graphic matches are a good professional way of editing. Graphic match is the device where you place two images which are similar in shape or colour after each other so the scene changes discretely instead of using a black out which may kill the atmosphere.

Music- Moby Gratis

Today my group signed up to a music website so that we will be able to add un-copyritten music to our thriller video. This will keep us from getting in any trouble with artists who do not want their work to be used. I now have a user name and password to the website so i can access it at any time and browse the different genres of music. The website is called Moby Gratis.

This is a print screen of the conditions i had to agree to when signing up to Moby Gratis.

Title Sequences

Title sequences is the method in which film makers use to present their title, key production and cast members in a way which reflects the genre or content of the film. They establish the genre by using font images and music. I am hoping to create a effective opening sequence as this will draw the audience in from the start.

Initial Ideas

title sequence of SE7EN

This is a good example of an opening sequence. This sequence is from the film Seven, it is a thriller film. this video is particularly good as it sets the scene for the film as it is scary, creepy and leaves you wondering what is happening. This video uses text, images and music which all fit the genre of the film creating a creepy atmosphere. I will use this video to help me create my own opening sequence.