Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Film Language

Mis en scene in my thriller
Settings and props
The setting needs to be a dark place so that the audience is scared as well as the character, also a bedroom where the cheating couple are carrying out there love affair.
Props the props need to be relevant to the storyline, in the dark room they need to be dirty and old.
Costume hair and make-up
The costume of the prisoner needs to be tatty and broken as he has been treated badly, the prisoner needs to look pale.
The girl needs to be in red so we get the sense of romance and promiscuity.
The voice/boyfriend needs to be in black so he looks scary and evil.
Facial Expressions and body language
The facial expression and body language needs to be relevant to the situation the character is in to make it realistic
Positioning of characters and Props
The characters and props need to be central and in focus if they are important in the scene so that the audience know they are important
Lighting and Colour
Lighting and colour needs to be relevnat to the scene. If it is an old scene it will need to be in black and white. I will use back lighting when the "bad character" is in the scene, this will create silhouettes and make the character seem more scary. Alot of the film will be in dark lighting

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