Monday 28 February 2011

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my film was teenagers aged between 13 and 19. We decided that we would target our film at this age group due to results I received on facebook and survey monkey. I posted a question asking the audience what age they was and if they would enjoy a thriller film and the result i got back was much more young people enjoy watching thriller films. We also targeted our thriller at teenagers as all of the actors involved are teenagers and they would be able to relate to the story line more as it is about teenage relationships and the troubles they go through. Teenagers would watch this as they like to know other people are experiencing similar things to them. It is also quite scary due to the things that happen to Sid and teenagers enjoy gore and scary situations.

Most of the people that took part in our survey was teenagers, this is why we aimed the film at teenagers, they said that they would like to see a film about bad relationships and they enjoy psychological thrillers. We incorporated all of these things in my thriller and i think it reached out to the target audience perfectly. It is clear from the results that the audience know what they want to see in there films and this is why we have used certain aspects to please them.
We added a cliffhanger to the thriller and tried to add alot of suspense as that is what the audience said in there vox pops. We also used results from questions i have asked on facebook to try and make the audience enjoy the film as much as possible.

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