Thursday, 3 March 2011

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

My thriller "Possessed" holds the audiences attention as it leads them asking a series of questions, why is he there? What relevance does the black and white clip have to the plot? Who is the girl we see walking? The audience would like to know what is going to happen next and see what answers the film brings to these questions. I think the thriller would hold the audiences attention as it has non diagetic and diagetic sound that is parallel to the surroundings and what is going on. This builds a scary atmosphere that would thrill the audience as it was fast paced and matched the editing.

The Maguffin in Possessed is that Sid has awoken in a room and has no idea where he is or how he has got there, he is being tortured and does not know why. The audience does not know this either so will intrigue them and want them toknow how he got there and what is happening to him. We have also left the film with a cliffhanger as Sid and Harley are walking being folllwed by a tarcking shot (as if someone is stalking them) and it cuts to titles, this gives the effect that something is going to happen.

We have used black and white footage of Sid and Harley walking. This creates the affect that this was from the past. This also causes the audience to wonder what happened in the past

Rianna 17- All Saints Catholic School and Technology college
"I really enjoyed the opening to this film i feel it reached out to me personally as it was based on teenagers. The black and white footage made me wonderf what relevance it had to the plot and i wanted to know what happened after they finished walking"

I think the use of young actors worked extremely well. We chose young actors as i looked back at my survey monkey results and the audience most likely to watch a thriller was a teenager. I chose ordinary looking teenagers that the audience could relate to, this would make the thriller more realistic and cause the audience to emphasise with them as they feel like it could be one of their friends. The actors are dressed in the latest fashions to make them even more appealable to the target audience.

The use of locations reached out to the target audience which was teenagers. This is because we have set part of it in a lochal park a place where many teenagers hang round. This makes them feel scared as they could be kidnapped in a place like this. This also adds a realistic affect as these places are not out of the ordinary. The other location we have used is a store cupboard, this is the place Sid is being held hostage. We have used Mis en scene to thrill the audience even further. We have used a dirty cupboard which Sid cannot escape from, it is dark and dirty which adds to the impact of the shot.

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